Sunday, September 11, 2011

His Love Story for You

The following is a letter I've written to this sweet baby to explain how the Lord has began a beautiful love story. We are so excited we get to be a part of it! Thanks for sharing in our journey and praying with us.

His Love Story for you sweet baby
Oh, He has a plan for
you alright!

Jeremiah 29:11

It’s been almost a year since Jerry came to me and said, “We need to talk.” It was a Saturday night and he’d been preparing for a message for the next morning on adultery. This comment usually wouldn’t have alarmed me but it was the tone in his voice that I hadn’t heard in about 9 years when a dear family member was facing some very difficult decisions. It brought that day back to me instantly and I got a bit anxious about what he was about to share. Were we about to walk through something very difficult with someone? Lots of questions stirred quickly. He tried preparing me by saying, “The Lord’s been laying something on my heart but I didn’t think it was the right time to talk about it because of the migraines you’ve been having.” Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to hear all of it but right now I wanted to get right to the point! Tell me details later. I can get impatient when it comes to stuff like this. “Just tell me what it is!” I said. He said, “It’s time to extend our family.” Let me give you a little background here. I LOVED being pregnant - really! But last time I was pregnant I had stroke like symptoms where I knew what I wanted to say but couldn’t say it. It just came out all mumbled. The hardest part was not being able to say the kids names. It scared the daylights out of me. It only lasted a couple of hours. We found out it was caused by an onset of a migraine. At this point I had never had migraines. Crazy! Anyway, the doctor told me it wouldn’t be safe to get pregnant again for several reasons this being number one. So, imagine when Jerry said that. I began crying and feeling like I had failed him. As I shared this and he finally understood in my blubbering what I was saying he said, “no, no. It’s time to adopt.” “To be the father to the fatherless.” Whew!!!! I’ve always dreamed of doing this ever since I can remember. We knew we wanted to do but not really when to do it. So here it was. Honestly, Pierce had just gotten a bit independent and I was thinking, “Now! Right now?” Well, within 24 hrs literally the Lord stirred my heart in a huge way. “Not your own might but mine” he said. “Not your time, but mine! And that’s now.” No joke the next day we got something in the mail about adoption, I heard a message on adoption on the radio, and we found out the encampment that Jerry was speaking out for a student retreat was to be held at Buckner encampment. Wow! Talk about confirmation. Well, it’s been almost a year and I’ve done tons of research and talked to several dear friends who have walked this journey before us. What amazing examples they are and we are so blessed by each of them. So, one of them holds me accountable and said, “so, what have you done?” Hmm, honestly a bit embarrassed I said, “I’ve prayed about it. Not like I should have been fervently praying, but praying. I know it’s time I just don’t know what to do next." Another thing I voiced to her was that we had something we wanted to be able to pay that was important to get behind us before we could comfortably move forward. Would you believe that the very next afternoon there was an unexpected phone call come in that we were getting a check due to us that would pay for it. Amazing! I think God just wanted me to be honest with myself of what was hindering us. He is so in control with EVERY little and big thing alike! So, between her and 2 other sweet friends they helped direct me. Still, I was kinda just waiting to see what the Lord would do, well I guess I wanted it dropped in my lap. Waiting, waiting. Always another excuse as to why I hadn’t called. It was a Friday morning and I was getting ready to take my Mama’l to the doctor and Jerry had Pierce taking the puppy for shots. I was in the shower and He said, “Why not now?” “The house it quiet. No one to interrupt. You have questions. Call them!” I didn’t feel His gentle hand guiding anymore. It was a “Be obedient!” No soft whisper. A firm, now is the time! I got out of the shower, got all my thoughts gathered and called. I had prayed over each agency of the three we were looking at. There was one that I just kept feeling the Lord directing us to. I was sure this was it and I was being obedient. The sweet lady who picked up the phone was precious and answered all my questions. I still wasn’t completely at peace but didn’t know what else to ask. So she said, “Before we hang up. When you called before who did you speak to? Did you speak to the founder of the agency.” I said, “No.” She said, “Oh, so you don’t know our training classes are full this January and next August?” “So, that means?” “We aren’t taking new applications until after that.” Yikes! Crushed I hung up so confused. I was so puzzled. “Lord, I was obedient. Why close the door so quickly, so abruptly?” The Lord taught me a lot that day. It’s not about my timing, it’s not about a checklist. If it were easy I probably wouldn’t see His hand as much in it as when I’m completely relying on Him and let Him lead and work! Well, I was pretty content (after many tears that day) that He wasn’t finished and would work it out as He had planned, when He planned. Well, I called and told Jerry and then we talked a bit about another agency that the Lord had brought to our attention but honestly thought it was really neat but didn’t give it much thought. One of our students from student ministry is now a social worker/agent at an agency that keeps it small to have deeper relationships with their birth mothers and their adoptive parents. I told Jerry we needed to call her and ask a couple of questions. He did and found out their orientation was in two days. Okay, it was a Friday that I felt the first door closed. It was the following Thursday Jerry called her and the orientation was Saturday. Jerry ask when the next one would be and she said she didn’t know it just depended on need. How amazing is the Lord! Looking back I totally see why He closed the door that I felt we needed to walk through. I really didn’t see this until after we prayed about it over night. I was woke up in the middle of the night with the Lord’s answer of “Jerry is the head of your house and wherever he leads I want you to follow.” Well, when Jerry got up he said he woke up with a “yes, we are to go.” So he and Pierce took our registration and registration fee to the office so we could attend the next morning. Wow! It was amazing and we walked away both saying, “This is it!” We’ve started filling out all the many papers required to make the next step towards meeting you. I can’t wait to see how God brings you through this journey to us. He already has a plan for you! Your story has begun! Whether you are already forming or to be formed in the womb in the future your story has began and we are thrilled to be a part!

Tonight after our sweet girl went to bed Jerry came in and said we had one excited girl about the thought of having a new baby. So when I went in there I ask her about it. She had many questions. Real questions. She wanted to know if we get to go to the hospital and pick you. I got to explain to her that God has already picked you for us. Now he will just lead your birth mommy (tummy mommy) to choose us too. I got to explain to her and in a little bit Noah too how your birth mom will love you sooo very much that she will place you with us so you can have a better life. She loves you so much that she isn’t going to be selfish and keep you when she knows she can’t do what’s best for you. She can’t wait to know you. Our oldest can’t wait to see what you look like. He thinks you’ll have darker skin than him. Be ready sweet baby! You have some siblings that are already falling in love with you!

I've been doing a bible study that is reminding me (and I want you to know). Always remember who you are because of WHOSE you are! God loves you so much and knows you before any of us do!

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